
美 / ˈriːznəbl / 英 / ˈriːznəbl /

adj. 有道理的,合情理的;(人)通情达理的,讲道理的;适度的,合适的;(价格)公道的;还算好的,尚可的;相当大的,(数量)不少的

高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / SAT 商务英语

比较级 more reasonable 最高级 most reasonable


The word \"reasonable\" is a common modifier used in English. It is used to describe something that is considered to be fair, sensible, or logical.

When something is considered to be reasonable, it means that it is within the normal or expected range for something. For example, if you say that a price is reasonable, it means that the price is not too high or too low.

You can also use reasonable to describe someone's attitude or behaviour. If someone's behaviour is considered to be reasonable, it means that they are acting in a logical and sensible way in a given situation.

Moreover, you can use reasonable to describe someone's expectations. If someone's expectations are considered to be reasonable, it means that they are not asking too much but still have realistic expectations of a given situation.

In conclusion, the word reasonable is used to describe something that is considered to be fair, sensible, or logical. It can be used to describe a price, attitude, behaviour, or expectations.


1、 reasonable price 合理价格;价格公道

2、 reasonable distribution 合理级配

3、 reasonable time 合理期限;适当的时间

4、 reasonable profit 合理的利润

5、 reasonable value 合理价值;合理值

6、 reasonable doubt 合理的怀疑

7、 reasonable expenses 合理费用

8、 reasonable excuse 合理解释,合理的辩解


At the time, what he'd done had seemed reasonable.



You can't expect people who are in a class by themselves to be reasonable.



The hotel was reasonable, I suppose (= but not excellent) .



As a concession to his reasonable demand, the doctor allowed him to work.

医生向他的合理要求让步了, 允许他工作.


It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.



Your answer is not reasonable.



He's a reasonable sort of person.



We sell good quality food at reasonable prices.

