rebate commission的意思

美 / ˈri:ˌbeɪt kəˈmiʃən / 英 / ˈriˌbet kəˈmɪʃən /


rebate commission的短语

1、 cash commission rebate 现金回佣

2、 haha commission rebate 佣金回扣

3、 Commission n rebate 佣金回扣

4、 Commission rebate 佣金回扣,回佣

5、 payment of commission and rebate 佣金与回扣的支付

rebate commission的例句

Customers profit mode has a variety of sites, generally classified as "advertising revenue", "sales commission", "invite friends rebate" and other ways to increase the income of the website.


The trading volume and deposit amount from client can enlarger IB's rebate and commission with a specialized agent to sort out client's information and trading records.


I further understand and acknowledge that no commission, override, rebate or bonus will be paid to me for merely recruiting other Affiliates.
