reducing sugar的意思

美 / riˈdju:siŋ ˈʃuɡə / 英 / rɪˈdusɪŋ ˈʃʊɡɚ /

[有化] 还原糖

reducing sugar的短语

1、 total reducing sugar 总糖,总还原糖

2、 non-reducing sugar 非还原糖

3、 non reducing sugar 非还原糖

4、 Reducing sugar release 还原糖法

5、 reducing sugar content 还原糖含量

6、 Reducing-sugar 还原糖

7、 apparent reducing sugar 表观还原糖

8、 fecal reducing sugar determination 粪便还原糖测定

9、 decomposition of reducing sugar 还原糖分解

reducing sugar的例句

The reducing sugar and solution sugar were up with linear while increasing of water stress.



When abscission occurred, total sugar and soluble protein were decreased, but reducing sugar was increased.

当脱落发生时, 培养体的总糖及可溶性蛋白的含量降低, 但还原糖含量升高.


The absorption spectrum of 3, 5 - dinitrosalicylic acid reducing product with reducing sugar has been studied.

研究了还原糖对3, 5- 二硝基水杨酸的还原产物的吸收光谱.


The best reducing sugar yield was received with 2 % acid, 60 mush and 1 % ferrous chloride.

实验表明,最佳工艺条件为硫酸浓度2% 、 粉碎度60目、氯化亚铁浓度1%.


The influence of reducing sugar and non - reducing sugar for extensibility of dough were also different.

还原糖和 非 还原糖对面团延伸性的影响也不同.


The reducing sugar in the prepared Rhizoma Rehmannia was determined with an reducing sugar analyzer.

