regulatory framework的意思

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regulatory framework的短语

1、 legal and regulatory framework 法律法规框架,经济法,法律与规范结构,工作条规

2、 set up a regulatory framework 建立调控框架

3、 self-regulatory framework 自我规管架构

4、 Financial Reporting and Regulatory Framework 财务报表和监管框架

5、 Standard Universal Regulatory Framework 标准通用管理框架

6、 the Legal and Regulatory Framework 收购与兼并

7、 post-privatization regulatory framework 私营化后的规管架构

8、 Financial Reporting & Regulatory Framework 财务报告及框架规格

regulatory framework的例句

What is the existing regulatory framework for consumer credit data sharing?



Wherever necessary, we will appropriate legislative changes to strengthen the regulatory framework.

有需要时, 我们会考虑修改法例,加强有关的监管.
