republic of south africa的意思

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republic of south africa的网络释义

南非共和国 ...了对南非最高法院上诉分庭的判决可上诉至英国枢密院的做法,在1961年脱离英联邦,成立了南非共和国(Republic of South Africa),并在20世纪50年代和60年代倡导复兴罗马—荷兰法的运动。

南非 ... 马塞卢 Maseru 南非 Republic of South Africa 行政首都比勒陀利亚 Pretoria ...

商标注册 ... REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (南非)商标注册 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (南非)商标注册 Ⅰ。SEARCH 查询(Optional 非必须的) ...

历史上的今天南非共和国 ... · 历史上的今天:南非共和国 Republic of South Africa · 历史上的今天:福特最后一辆T型车 Last Ford Model T · 历史上的今天:第十七修正案 The 17th Amendment ...

republic of south africa的短语

1、 the republic of south africa 南非共和国

republic of south africa的例句

Authors attended the academic symposium of Fragblast′ 6, Joh annesburg, the Republic of South Africa, 8~12 August 1999.


He will also pay official visits to the Republic of the Congo, Angola, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda upon invitation.


Next she traveled to South Africa. Her trip also includes stops in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde.


23rd Apr 1997 Switzerland Australia, Bangladesh, Chile, Egypt, Japan, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Romania, South Africa, Switzerland, United States of America.


On May 29, 2006, Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei met with the joint press delegation from African countries including South Africa, Ghana, the Republic of Congo and Tanzania.
