resist the temptation的意思

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resist the temptation的网络释义

拒绝诱惑 ... ignite点燃引起(阶级仇,民族恨) resist the temptation拒绝诱惑 tempter诱惑者 ...

抵制诱惑 由于青少年不成熟 (immature)、无知(ignorant),往往不能抵制诱惑(resist the temptation)沉迷(be addicted to)在网络游戏中。 年轻人从事兼职工作的决定应该被支持,因为这帮助培养他们的独立性。

抵抗诱惑 ... resist doing sth抵抗做某事,拒绝做某事 resist the temptation抵抗诱惑 insist坚持 ...

resist the temptation的短语

1、 I can't resist the temptation 我不能抵挡诱惑 ; 我不能抵抗诱惑

2、 Resist the temptation of mouth 管住自己的嘴巴

3、 They should resist the temptation 自己应该管住自己

resist the temptation的例句

Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, every individual should resist the temptation of cigarettes.


Now it takes a stern soul to resist the temptation to check the headlines at least once while you're away.


I can't resist the temptation of bread and cookies.


He needs to resist the temptation to elevate some of his dodgier friends to high judicial posts.


Cookies, soda, candy, chocolate: It can be hard to resist the temptation of sugary-sweet treats and drinks.


To overcome the tendencies of finishing staple, resist the temptation of delicious snacks.
