responsible care的意思

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responsible care的网络释义

责任关怀 2008年1月,陶氏与美国化学协会(ACC)的其他成员一起签署协议,加入日趋严格的责任关怀(Responsible Care)指导原则。这些原则将适用于陶氏在全球的所有组织。

责任与关怀 我们承诺遵循Responsible care(责任与关怀) 的原则.并引领用设备创造未来的道路.

responsible care的短语

1、 Responsible Care&reg 责任关怀

2、 Responsible Care Program 责任关怀计划 ; 责任照顾计划

3、 We are responsible care classes 爱护班级

responsible care的例句

In a survey of 100 people between the ages of 100 and 104, 23 percent said faith rather than genes and good medical care were responsible for their long life.


Nurseries are responsible for the children in their care.


Women are responsible for cooking, raising children, and taking care of housework.


The landlord is responsible for the government rates and the tenant takes care of management fees.


But in order for you to become responsible parents, you must be the ones in charge of your child's care.


They are to join you and be responsible for the care of the Tent of Meeting-all the work at the Tent-and no one else may come near where you are.

他们要与你联合, 也要看守会幕, 办理帐幕一切的事, 只是外人不可挨近你们.