return on investment的意思

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return on investment的网络释义

投资报酬率 基于ROI和EVA的投资决策结果分析--《中国西部科技》2005年07期 年07期 加入收藏 获取最新 基于ROI和EVA的投资决策结果分析 李艳 【摘要】: 投资报酬率(ROI,ReturnonInvestment)是传统业绩评价指标中最重要的指标,但在进行投资决策时具有很大的局限性。经济增加值(EVA,Econo

投资回报率 ...期及其公式 静态投资回收期和动态回投资收期及其公式_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料...投资回报率(return on investment) :投资回收率 ROI 为获得的净收益与项目总..

回报 ...,可以降低质量成本(最重要是减少失效成本),而节省下来的部分就是企业在质量成本改善方面的回报(ROI,Return On Investment)了。如何获得正的ROI(真正的收益),而不是负的?

return on investment的短语

1、 Maximizing Return on Investment 最多回报

2、 return on investment capital 投入资本收益率 ; 资本回报率

3、 Return On Investment Planning 投入产出计划

return on investment的例句

Pipelines projects must also be delivered with minimum impact on the environment whilst providing a return on investment for pipeline owners.


What kind of ROI (return on investment) is your employer getting from your performance?


If that benefit is expected to be financial then understanding the cost of that work is essential to deriving any meaningful return on investment (ROI).


Beth rolled comments about that story into a post about the potential return on investment for contests. To summarize, contest participants need to think about.


It's a great return on investment: The utility is already written, freely downloadable, easy to install and use, and saves time and effort.


Emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required.
