revenue and expenditure的意思

美 / ˈrevənju: ænd ɪkˈspendətʃə / 英 / ˈrevənju ənd ɪkˈspɛndətʃɚ /

[会计] 收支

revenue and expenditure的短语

1、 revenue and expenditure in balance 财政收支平衡

2、 revenue and expenditure account 出入帐目,收支帐目

3、 accounting of revenue and expenditure 收支核算

4、 financial revenue and expenditure 财务收入,财政收支,财务收支,翻译

5、 Fiscal Revenue And Expenditure 财政收支

6、 normal revenue and expenditure 正常收支

7、 Imbalance Between Revenue and Expenditure 财政收支差额

8、 monopolized revenue and expenditure 统收统支

9、 monthly revenue and expenditure budget 月度财务收支计划,月份收支预算

revenue and expenditure的例句

Under general direction of the Finance Manager, monitors and maintains control of revenue and expenditure cycles.



Revenue and expenditure accounting system cannot meet the needs of developing college financial administration.



The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus.



Revenue and expenditure are balanced.

