root-mean-square criterion的意思

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root-mean-square criterion的网络释义

均方根判别准则 ... Root's blower 罗茨鼓风机 root-mean-square criterion 均方根判别准则 root-mean-square deviation 均方根差 ...

均方根准则 ... root square (sqrt) : 平方根 root-mean-square criterion : 均方根准则 root-mean-square error (R.M.S.E.) : 均方根误差 ...

均方根判据 ... 均方根模拟误差 rms simulation error 均方根判据 root-mean-square criterion 均方根偏差 root-mean-square deviation ...

root-mean-square criterion的短语

1、 root mean square criterion 均方根误差准则

2、 Minimum root-mean-square error criterion 最小均方误差准则

3、 root mean square error criterion 均方根误差准则

root-mean-square criterion的例句

We suggest "error of closure" asa criterion of measuring accuracy and use transient root-mean-square error to ex-press repeatability and reliability of measurement of the instrument.
