rote memorization的意思

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rote memorization的网络释义

死记硬背 小学和中学都强调死记硬背(rote memorization),一次考试的失误就会葬送一名..

机械背诵 ... paramount adj. 最重要的;主要的;至高无上的 rote memorization 死记硬背;机械背诵 antithesis n. 对立面;对照 ...

rote memorization的短语

1、 rote memorization of verbal learning 机械记忆式语文学习

2、 rote memorization ability 能力

3、 education by rote memorization 填鸭式教育

rote memorization的例句

The art of memory is an aid to composition and rhetoric, not an aid to rote memorization.


The failings of a rote-memorization system are well-known: lack of social and practical skills, absence of self-discipline and imagination, loss of curiosity and passion for learning.


INJ children don't do well with tasks that require following prescribed steps in a plan or rote memorization.


When I was in college, I manipulated my class schedule to avoid public speaking encounters. The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.


The impact of such learning on behavior is very different from, for example, learning by rote memorization of data.


We should stop trying to quantify rote memorization and instead focus on the intellectual skills that actually capture the virtues of education. Engel describes these talents as.
