rubber compound的意思

美 / ˈrʌbə ˈkɔmpaund / 英 / ˈrʌbɚ kɑmˈpaUnd /


rubber compound的短语

1、 drc-durable rubber compound 耐磨橡胶

2、 non-scuffing rubber compound 非抗磨损橡胶,非胶合胶料,非划伤橡胶复合

3、 low-rubber compound 低橡胶混合物

4、 building rubber compound 橡胶组合,翻译

5、 rubber compound design 橡胶配方设计

6、 Rubber compound ingredients 橡胶配合剂

7、 Low heat generation rubber compound 低生热的胶料

8、 silicone rubber compound 硅橡胶复合物,硅橡胶混炼胶

rubber compound的例句

It is composed of a silicon rubber compound with the thickness and flexibility of poster board.



The final layer is a soft rubber compound , which acts as a cushion.

而最下面一层则是种柔软的橡胶, 起到缓冲的作用.
