scientific and technological application的意思

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scientific and technological application的网络释义

科技应用 关于加强工程测量质量的探讨--南京编审中心 关键词:工程测量;测量监理;科技应用 [gap=511]Key words: project measurement; measurement is managed; scientific and technological application

scientific and technological application的短语

1、 scientific and technological application software 科技应用软件

scientific and technological application的例句

We encourage colleges and universities from both sides to carry out joint scientific research in history and culture, scientific and technological application, region and country-specific studies.


The comprehensive application designed indices, the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2003 organized the second national city, county, district assessment of scientific and technological progress.


Indeed, Nokia is the leader in scientific and technological strength and in the application of science and technology among many brands of cell phones.


Extended real-time systems and spatial reasoning are two emerging areas of current scientific and technological research, both play an important role in the theory and engineering application.
