semantic truth的意思

美 / siˈmæntik tru:θ / 英 / sɪˈmæntɪk truθ /


semantic truth的短语

1、 Truth as a Semantic Switch 语义转换的真理论

2、 truth semantic 真值语义

3、 The Semantic Conception of Truth 真理的语义学概念

semantic truth的例句

The first part is about Quine's criticism and inheritance to the traditional perspectives to truth, like the correspondence theory , the coherence theory and Tarski's semantic theory of truth.

第一部分是蒯因对符合论、 融贯论、塔尔斯基语义真理论等传统真理观以及同时代的逻辑经验主义真理观的批判继承。

Semantic presupposition is a truth-value condition of a proposition.


Tarski s semantic theory of truth is often taken as a correspondence theory.
