settlement action的意思

美 / ˈsetlmənt ˈækʃən / 英 / ˈsɛtlmənt ˈækʃən /


settlement action的短语

1、 settlement of action 诉讼和解,诉讼了解

2、 the settlement of action 诉讼和解

3、 Settlement and Corporate Action 业务清算与公司行为

settlement action的例句

And the Department of Justice is investigating whether a settlement [gm99nd] struck with authors and publishers to resolve a class-action copyright lawsuit is anticompetitive.

美国司法部正在调查去年[gm 66nd]与图书作者以及出版商就版权问题达成的集体和解协议是否不利于竞争。

Late last week, a federal judge in California gave preliminary approval to a settlement of the class action lawsuit regarding Facebook's Beacon program.

上周,一名加州联邦法官初步批准了一项有关Facebook Beacon(灯塔)广告计划的群体诉讼协议。

Unilateral action not only does no good to the settlement of the issue; on the contrary, it will only further complicate the situation and affect peace and stability in the region.
