shoot from the hip的意思

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shoot from the hip的网络释义

信口开河 ... joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的 shoot from the hip 信口开河 an interesting discovery : 强调discovery,体现发现这个动作被考古学家做出 ...

鲁莽地做事 ... shoot from the hip 鲁莽地做事 hip joint 髋关节 hip bone 髋骨,坐骨;无名骨...

从时髦出发 ... 穿着时髦的 the eureka 从时髦出发 shoot from the hip 打扮得时髦 dandify ...

鲁莽 ... Shake a Leg 快点,赶紧 Shoot from the Hip (行事或者说话)鲁莽,直来直去,冲动 Shoot the Breeze 瞎聊 ...

shoot from the hip的短语

1、 shoot t from the hip 信口开河

shoot from the hip的例句

Yes, sometimes Tom liked to shoot from the hip, but that style had helped him land some big accounts. Unfortunately, it roiled Frank.


Yes, sometimes Tom liked to shoot from the hip, but that style had helped him land some big accounts. Unfortunately, it roiled Frank.


They may "shoot from the hip" using whatever approach it takes to build the product.


Many interviewers have been surprised at the chancellor's ability to shoot from the hip.


She likes to shoot from the hip, but honesty makes people angry sometimes.


Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.
