short-access memory的意思

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short-access memory的网络释义

翻译 ... serially-reusable attribute翻译 【计】 可连续重用属性 short-access memory翻译 【计】 快速存取存储器 strength reduction翻译 【计】 强度削减 ...

short-access memory的短语

1、 short access memory 快速存取存储器

2、 memory with short access time 快速存取存储器

short-access memory的例句

The tightly-coupled nature of the CMP allows very short physical distances between processors and memory and, therefore, minimal memory access latency and higher performance.

CMP 紧密耦合的本质使处理器与内存之间的物理距离很短,因此可提供最小的内存访问延迟和更高的性能。

Computers contain a certain amount of short-term memory, called random access memory, or RAM.


MPI-2 mainly includes three topics: process creation andmanagement("PCM" for short), remote memory access("RMA" for short) and parallel I/O.
