
美 / slæm / 英 / slæm /

v. (使)砰地关上;用力一放,使劲一推;猛烈撞击;猛烈抨击;突然(或猛然)采取行动;闯,冲;<非正式,美> 轻松得分或战胜(某人);<美> (电话公司)未经允许接管(电话顾客)的账单(slamming)

n. 猛关(或推、摔、撞等),猛摔(或撞等)的声音;<美> 诗歌朗诵比赛;(桥牌)满贯;<非正式,美> 监狱(the slam)

【名】 (Slam)(俄、美)斯拉姆(人名)

CET6 / 考研 GMAT

复数 slams 第三人称单数 slams 现在分词 slamming 过去式 slammed 过去分词 slammed


English Word ‘Slam’ Usage and Explanation

The English word ‘slam’ can be used in a variety of ways. Generally, it is used to describe a forceful action that involves a lot of noise or force. It can also be used as an expression of strong emotions such as anger or excitement.

When used as a verb, ‘slam’ means to shut or to close with a lot of force. For example, “He slammed the door behind him.” This implies that he did not just close it softly, but with a significant amount of force. In the same way, if someone suddenly slams on the brakes, it means that he or she had to sharply and forcefully press down on the brakes to stop the car.

The English word ‘slam’ can also be used as an expression of emotions. When someone is expressing anger, they may say, “He slammed his fist on the table.” This implies that he was very angry and in a highly charged emotional state. Similarly, if you heard someone say, “She slammed the book shut with a victorious smile,” this could convey a feeling of satisfaction or joy.

In addition to these uses, ‘slam’ can also be used as an informal expression of praise. For example, if someone says, “That performance was a slam dunk,” they are saying it was so good that it was a sure success.

The English word ‘slam’ is a versatile term. It can be used to gently express emotions or to powerfully emphasize something. It can also be used to describe forceful action, or to make a statement about something being a success. The next time you hear or use the word ‘slam’, remember to take the context into consideration.


1、 grand slam 大满贯;满垒时的全垒打

2、 slam the door v. 摒弃;关门;拒绝

3、 slam dunk 扣篮,塞投(篮球动作)


She slammed the door and locked it behind her...



I heard the door slam behind him.



He slammed on the brakes (= stopped the car very suddenly) .



Helen: God, Jordan only had a slam dunk title when he was 25.

海伦: 天, 乔丹25岁时只是一个扣蓝冠军.


They won the grand slam in 1990.



I heard the door slam behind him.



A window slammed shut in the wind.



I was relieved to hear the front door slam...

