soy protein isolate的意思

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soy protein isolate的网络释义

分离大豆蛋白 分离大豆蛋白(Soy Protein Isolate):高品质的蛋白质,一平匙完全蛋白质粉等于一杯牛奶或一个鸡蛋或一两肉所含的蛋白质,你看安利的蛋白粉怎么样。有利于人体吸收

大豆分离蛋白 大豆分离蛋白(soy protein isolate,SPI)是大豆蛋白最为精制形式,广泛应用于食品工业,在不同产品中表现出不同功能。

豆蛋白质 3 大豆分离蛋白/豆蛋白质/大豆蛋白/分离蛋白粉/Soy protein isolate 酵母浸出膏/酵母浸膏/酵母提取物/酵母萃取物/酵母抽提物/水溶性酵母浸膏/Yeast extract ..

大豆蛋白 分散大豆蛋白(Soy Protein Isolate):高品质的氨基酸,不含胆固醇

soy protein isolate的短语

1、 soy protein isolate powder 蛋白粉

2、 soy protein isolate spi 大豆分离蛋白

3、 soy protein isolate films 大豆分离蛋白膜

soy protein isolate的例句

The nutritional and food hygienic character of the new developed soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate in Heilongjiang province were studied by chemical analysis and rat experiment.


Thus, it appeared that it was more reasonable to make films prepared from soy protein isolate as biodegradable films rather than as edible films.


Effect of filming medium and reducing agents on the properties of soy protein isolate film (SPI) was studied.


Soy protein isolate was modified with glucose through Maillard Reaction. Compared the emulsifying property of glycosylated SPI with SPI, the result showed the emulsifying property of SPI-G was higher.


This research studies the effects of storage on wheat protein film , soy protein isolate film and wheat-soy protein film.


The effect of xanthan etc foam stabilizing agent on the foaming properties of soy protein isolate were studied.
