speculation activity的意思

美 / ˌspekjəˈleɪʃən ækˈtiviti / 英 / ˌspɛkjəˈleʃən ækˈtɪvɪti /


speculation activity的例句

Order replaced the old spontaneity, while speculation of the old sort became an entirely underground activity.


A lack of winter snow on Japan's famed Mount Fuji has sparked speculation the volcano could erupt for the first time in three centuries, but experts denied any link between snow and seismic activity.

日本著名的富士山由于冬雪稀少,很多人猜测这座沉睡了三百年之久的火山可能要爆发了。 但是有关专家们说雪的多少和地壳运动之间没有任何联系。

By necessity, the book has a lot of speculation, with phrases like "there is every possibility that he sailed from Piraeus" and "Socrates would certainly have participated in such communal activity."
