staff division的意思

美 / stɑ:f diˈviʒən / 英 / stæf dɪˈvɪʒən /


staff division的短语

1、 special staff division 特业参谋组

2、 joint staff division 联合参谋处

3、 Corporate Management Division Staff 公司企业管理部员工

4、 technical staff in manufacturing division 制造技术员

5、 Staff Training Division 培训处

6、 Staff Administration and Training division 人事行政和训练司

staff division的例句

Staff from its Consumer and Market Knowledge division tour the world and spend entire days with women to observe how they shop, clean, eat, apply their make-up or put nappies on their babies.


In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager.


When the final report was issued in 2000, it wasn't copied to Directorate Air Staff, despite their being the division with the policy lead for UFOs!
