stage average的意思

美 / steidʒ ˈævəridʒ / 英 / stedʒ ˈævərɪdʒ /


stage average的短语

1、 average stage length 平均航程

2、 average stage efficiency 级效率

3、 average ionization stage 平均离化度

4、 average length of stage 平均住院日

stage average的例句

More than 42% of the startups that are moving more than 20% slower than the average time needed to reach the scale stage are solo founders.


They also have 3-5 times less user growth on average and need 7-8 months longer to reach the scaling stage.

他们的用户增长速度也要低上3 - 5倍,而且需要比平均长7 - 8个月的时间来进入扩张阶段。

CLM can be configured to calculate the average waste and work at each stage of any work item (stories, defects, enhancement requests, use case scenarios, and such).
