stiffness method的意思

美 / ˈstɪfnɪs ˈmeθəd / 英 / ˈstɪfnɪs ˈmɛθəd /

[力] 刚度法;劲度法

stiffness method的短语

1、 direct stiffness method 直接劲度法

2、 tangential stiffness method 切线增强刚度法

3、 Dynamic Stiffness Method 动力刚度法

4、 yield stiffness method 屈服刚度法

5、 Secant stiffness method 割线刚度法

6、 change stiffness method 变刚度法

7、 complex stiffness method 复刚度法

8、 average stiffness method 平均刚度法

9、 gravity stiffness method 重力刚度法

stiffness method的例句

Amplification of P waves a layered half - space was analyzed by direct stiffness method in frequency domain.



The simulation results are given for proving the effectiveness of stiffness method.

