stock option motivation的意思

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stock option motivation的网络释义

股权激励 上市公司股权激励影响公司价值的实证分析-公司研究-中国论文联盟 关键词:经营者;股权激励;公司价值 [gap=1434]Key words:operator;stock option motivation;enterprise value

stock option motivation的短语

1、 stock option motivation mode 股票期权激励模式

2、 stock option motivation mechanism 股权激励机制

stock option motivation的例句

Whether accounting treatment is correct or not is quite important for stock option motivation.


The results show that firms with more growth opportunities and higher institutional investors holding have more probabilities to choose stock option motivation;


Accounting disposal of stock option is an important content in option motivation system. Stock option motivation can not be properly operated and carried out unless solving the accounting problem.


Compared with other motivation measures, stock option is an effective motivation mechanism in hi-tech enterprises.


As a motivation mechanism, stock option includes two interrelated contracts: compensation, buying and selling of stocks of the company.
