strictly prohibit的意思

美 / / 英 / /


strictly prohibit的网络释义

严格禁止 ... [tight] 紧密坚固安全的 [strictly prohibit(forbid)] 严格禁止 [stern;strict;rigorous] 严肃谨慎 ...

strictly prohibit的短语

1、 yánjìn strictly prohibit 严禁

2、 prohibit strictly 严格禁止

3、 prohibit opium strictly 严禁烟片

strictly prohibit的例句

Strictly prohibit smoking outside at factory smoking area, spit anywhere. Fine RMB5.00 for otherwise.


Please obey the unified command of security guard when you meet the emergency. You should evacuate in order according to the evacuation plan. Avoid crowding and strictly prohibit trample.


Attention: strictly prohibit empty running!


Ancestor kind mother, said: "At first Yeah, we strictly control the silk weaving industry and the spread of sericulture technology, and to prohibit the flow of foreign countries."


Be safe, do not do any climb unprotected, risk. Do not throw any unretrogradation rubish to water, can not destory vegetation, strictly prohibit bag wild animal.


For these, we will prohibit strictly, let network serve mankind really.
