strong opponent的意思

美 / / 英 / /


strong opponent的网络释义

可星 ... 客席指挥guest conductor 可星strong opponent; powerful remedy 可行性研究feasibility study ...

克星 ... Strong Opponent 劲敌 ; 可星 ; 克星 The Opponent 心灵斗士 Opponent party 对方当事人 ...

强劲的敌人或对手 ... [blow violently] [风]猛烈地刮 [strong opponent] 强劲的敌人或对手 [gale] 指介于微风和飓风之间的风 ...

strong opponent的短语

1、 Beating strong opponent 打败强劲的对手

2、 Up against a strong opponent 面对一名强劲的对手

strong opponent的例句

He sized up his opponent at the tennis match and was intimidated by his strong build.


"We faced a strong opponent," said the 35-year-old former ac Milan midfielder.


The mother of five children, including one born this past April with Downs Syndrome, Palin is a strong opponent of abortion.


Always think of your opponent is very strong, even if very weak, you have to think of him very powerful.


She had to contest against a very strong opponent for the championship.


The first really strong opponent.
