subject to call的意思

美 / ˈsʌbdʒikt tu: kɔ:l / 英 / ˈsʌbdʒekt tu kɔl /

有购回权; 可催缴

subject to call的短语

1、 bond subject to call 易收兑的债券

2、 amount subject to call 可以随时收回的金额

3、 not subject to call 不可提前清偿

subject to call的例句

He began to let meetings on the subject run long, interrupting them only once to take a phone call from Chelsea.


Ideas for testing email campaigns include: sending day and time, frequency, personalization, subject and contents, prices, and call to action.


Subject: The Subject field – if one was included as an optional parameter to the publish API call along with the message.

标题:标题字段 – 如果这是包含在消息中作为发布API的一个可选参数的话。