sudden misfortune的意思

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sudden misfortune的网络释义

意外的事故或灾祸 ... [ a matter for regret ] 令人感到遗憾的事 [ sudden misfortune ] 意外的事故或灾祸 [ weddings and funerals ] 原指婚丧大事,红指喜事,白指丧事。现在也用来比喻办理庆祝、纪念等工作 ...

sudden misfortune的短语

1、 a sudden misfortune 横遭不幸

2、 suffer a sudden misfortune 横遭不幸

sudden misfortune的例句

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.


It is first found and diagnosed in obstetrical examination, pregnant women lack psychological preparation, and become anxious, depression because of sudden misfortune.


I felt a sudden pang of sympathy for Hattie, who had the misfortune of being in love.


His new source of trouble sprang from the not anticipated misfortune of Isabella Linton evincing a sudden and irresistible attraction towards the tolerated guest.


Heretofore in this country sudden crises of misfortune have been met by a mobilization of social power.


But when Tess family misfortune occurred: sudden death of his father, housing landlord was recovered, no family shelter, with no life.
