sun-cured tobacco的意思

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sun-cured tobacco的网络释义

晒烟 Sun-cured Tobacco(晒烟), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

sun-cured tobacco的短语

1、 dark sun-cured tobacco 深色晒烟

2、 light sun-cured tobacco 淡色晒烟

3、 red sun cured tobacco 晒红烟

sun-cured tobacco的例句

During 1987—1990, native sun and air cured tobacco resources in whole China were investigated in order to evaluate their quality and usebility.


By using pot tests, the effect of low-P stress on dark sun-cured tobacco endogenous hormone and root activities were studied during different growth stage.


Effects of different sun-shading treatments plastid pigment on flue-cured tobacco were researched.


Overview:sun-cured tobacco, also known as tobacco, the main use of the Division of Shaoguan Nanxiong sun sun-cured tobacco leaf.


The rule of dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption and distribution were studied during the growth of yellow sun-cured tobacco in field.


Other air-and sun-cured tobacco items which are not included in the above-mentioned catalogue may be sold at rural or urban trade markets.
