sunflower oil的意思

美 / ˈsʌnˌflauə ɔil / 英 / ˈsʌnˌflaʊɚ ɔɪl /

葵花油;[食品] 向日葵油

sunflower oil的短语

1、 Organic Sunflower Oil 有机向日葵油,有机葵花籽油,葵花油

2、 Sunflower oil for food 食用葵花籽油

3、 Sunflower oil for industrial purposes 工业用葵花籽油

4、 Refined Oleic Sunflower Oil 高油酸太阳花油

5、 Sunflower Seed Oil 向日葵籽油,葵花籽油,葵花子油

6、 sunflower oil cake 向日葵籽饼

7、 fatty acids of sunflower oil 向日葵油脂肪酸

8、 Sunflower Oil & Soybean Oil 大豆油

sunflower oil的例句

Main ingredients: soften cells , sunflower oil cells, algin, black sesame seed essence, green tea and etc.

主要成分: 垂顺因子 、 葵油局亮精华 、 海藻素 、 黑芝麻护发精华 、 绿茶等.


In this paper , UV - Vis spectra of oil, oil, sunflower oil and hogwash oil were studied.

研究了潲水油 、 花生油 、 调和油和葵花籽油的紫外可见光吸收光谱.


A method to prepare conjugated linoleic acid by alkali - catalyzed isomerization of sunflower oil was studied.



The mist contains sunflower oil, a natural emollient that sinks into your skin and conditioned.

含有具天然保湿作用的向日葵油, 深入滋润皮肤.


Looking for producer of refined sunflower oil.



Look from edible character, oil is inferior oilseed of sesame seed oil, sunflower, oil.

从食用品质看, 大豆油不如芝麻油.葵花籽油. 花生油.
