
美 / ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn / 英 / ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃn /

n. 迷信,迷信行为,<古>邪教

CET6 考研

复数 superstitions


Superstition is a belief or behavior that is not based on logic or scientific knowledge, but rather arises from fear or ignorance. It plays a significant role in many cultures around the world. In the English language, the term “superstition” is used to describe a belief in supernatural or mythical forces.

The most common usage of the word “superstition” is to refer to a set of beliefs or practices that are believed to bring good or bad luck. Examples of superstitions include avoiding the number 13, believing a four-leaf clover brings luck, or avoiding stepping on a crack in the pavement. Superstitions can also be associated with particular objects or items, such as a rabbit’s foot bringing good luck.

Superstitions can also take the form of rituals or ceremonies. For example, some cultures have rituals to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. Other superstitions involve not doing certain things, such as not walking under a ladder or not opening an umbrella indoors.

Superstitions can also involve certain numbers or symbols. Many superstitions surrounding the number 13, such as avoiding it in addresses or not sitting in its seat at the dinner table, stem from ancient beliefs. Similarly, the number seven is seen as a lucky number in many cultures. And the symbol of the cross is believed to protect against evil in many religions.

Although superstitions have been around for centuries, it is important to remember that they are not based on any scientific evidence. For example, believing that a rabbit’s foot will bring good luck will not change the chances of something good or bad happening. It is important to remember that superstitions should not be taken too seriously, and should not be used to make decisions.


1、 be against superstition 反对迷信

2、 Feudal superstition 封建迷信

3、 superstition and pseudo-science 迷信与伪科学

4、 British Superstition 英国迷信,英国科学

5、 Get Rid Of Superstition 破除迷信

6、 factor of superstition 迷信因素


Scientific materialism thus triumphed over ignorance and superstition.


That superstition was prevalent among them.



It's all superstition, and there's nothing to it.


According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.


According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.



He thinks It'smacks of superstition.



Only education can deliver people fear and superstition.



In 1975,186 American leading scientists, including 18 Nobel Prize winners against astrology superstition.

1975年美国186位知名科学家, 在18位诺贝尔奖得主带领下,联名批判占星术.
