supply interruption的意思

美 / səˈplai ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən / 英 / səˈplaɪ ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən /


supply interruption的短语

1、 short supply interruption 短时断电

2、 supply interruption costs 停电费用

3、 Supply-interruption costs 停电费用

4、 Power-supply interruption 供电中断

5、 DC supply interruption 直流电源消失

6、 interruption of power supply 断电,供电中断

7、 interruption of mains supply 市电停电

8、 interruption of supply 供应中断

9、 interruption of oil supply 断油试验

supply interruption的例句

To reduce the risk of power supply interruption that customers at demand side may be faced with, a method of leading insurance theory in and establishing insurance policy is proposed.


For the suppliers of a commodity supply interruption, same kind of PB goods can be in a certain extent, reduce because of the loss of stock losses that customers.


Big customers can take out insurance policies for the loss caused by power supply interruption in order to ensure power quality and reduce the risk of power supply interruption.
