surplus account的意思

美 / ˈsə:pləs əˈkaunt / 英 / ˈsɚpləs əˈkaʊnt /


surplus account的短语

1、 donated surplus account 捐赠盈余帐

2、 capital stock and surplus account 股本及公积金帐户,详细翻译

3、 special surplus account 特别公积金帐户,特别准备金

4、 unappropriated surplus account 未分配盈余帐户,未支配盈余帐户,翻译

5、 foundation surplus account 基金会盈余账,基金会盈余帐

6、 income and surplus account 收入和盈余帐户,收入和盈余账户

7、 current account surplus 顺差,经常项目盈余

8、 surplus and deficit account 盈余亏损帐,详细翻译

9、 surplus on recurrent account 经常帐盈余

surplus account的例句

Accumulate a surplus. After your have made a series of successful trades, put some money into surplus account to be used only in emergency or times of panic.


As the us capital account surplus is falling, then so, logically, must be its current account deficit.


The IMF apparently expects a huge decline in China's current account surplus this year.
