surrounding structure的意思

美 / səˈraʊndɪŋ ˈstrʌktʃə / 英 / səˈraʊndɪŋ ˈstrʌktʃɚ /


surrounding structure的短语

1、 duodenum and surrounding structure 十二指肠及周围结构

2、 Surrounding structure for deep foundation 深基础围护结构

3、 surrounding rock structure 围岩结构

4、 Surrounding shoring structure 围护挡土结构

5、 Geological & Surrounding Rock Structure 地质构造和

6、 Bolt-Surrounding rock structure system 锚杆

7、 surrounding rock-support structure 围岩

8、 surrounding beam supporting structure 环梁支护结构

9、 big structure of surrounding 围岩大结构

surrounding structure的例句

To measure the imaging anatomical data of the apertura of sphenoidal sinuses and their surrounding structure and to provide clinical guidance for surgeons.


Thermal insulation of the surrounding structure and bed of the room was improved.


The effect of the subsidiary stress on surrounding structure and stratum is discussed.
