tactile sensation的意思

美 / ˈtæktəl senˈseiʃən / 英 / ˈtæktəl sɛnˈseʃən /

[生理] 触觉;质感

tactile sensation的短语

1、 tactile sensation threshold 触觉阈

2、 tactile sensation on the palate 指颚部所接受到感觉

3、 localized tactile sensation 局限性触觉

4、 general tactile sensation 全身性触觉

5、 tactile sensation conduct tract 触觉传导束

6、 Tactual or tactile sensation 触觉

7、 tactile sensation volume 触觉感知度

8、 discriminatory tactile sensation 辨别性触觉

9、 agnosia of tactile sensation 触觉失认

tactile sensation的例句

Tactile sensation is gradually clear, it turns out that free reverse side is is lonely.



Repairs and supplements elasticity of collagen fiber, leaving skin firm and smooth, with tactile sensation.

修护并增补胶原纤维弹性, 令肌肤紧致、柔滑, 富有质感.
