tax receipt的意思

美 / tæks riˈsi:t / 英 / tæks rɪˈsit /


tax receipt的短语

1、 Tax Receipt For Wine 酒类税单

2、 Real estate tax receipt 房地产纳税收据

3、 Donation Tax Receipt 慈善捐款收据

4、 Tax payment receipt 应税凭证名称,纳税凭证,应税凭据名称,完税凭证

5、 non-tax receipt 非征税收入

6、 Tonnage Tax Receipt 年税收据

7、 business receipt tax 翻译,营业收入税

8、 Tax bill or receipt 交税单或收据

tax receipt的例句

Invoice means the receipt with paid tax. Receipt has wider meaning than invoice.

发票是付了税的收据, 而收据指的范围比发票更广泛.


For pledge payments, an annual tax receipt will be issued by February of the following year.

退税收据将于来年二月时寄出, 以该年所捐实数为收据额.


These profits to the Treasury can be spent , just as with any other tax receipt.



Please present your contract and other related documents, and the original and photocopies of tax receipt.


英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语

Here's the contract and other related documents, and the original and photocopies of tax receipt.


英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语