
美 / ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn / 英 / ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn /

n. 电信,电通信


Telecommunication is the exchange of information over distances. It includes all types of electronic transmission, including phone calls, radio, television, and computers.

Telecommunication can be used for both voice and data communication. The most common way to communicate by voice is via telephone. Telephone communication requires two components: the telephone itself, and a telephone line. Telephone lines can be either wired, or wireless.

Data communication can take many forms. The most common form is email, which is sent over the Internet. Web browsing is another form of data communication. Other forms of data communication include text messaging, online chats, and streaming media.

Telecommunication is also used for business purposes. Businesses use telecommunication for communication between employees, clients, and customers. Businesses also use telecommunication for marketing, research, and customer support.

In addition to business uses, telecommunication is used by government agencies for national security purposes. This includes the monitoring of communications, GPS tracking, and other forms of data transmission.

Telecommunication is a powerful tool that is used in all aspects of modern life. It enables us to communicate easier, faster, and more efficiently than ever before.


The company has specialized in manufacturing, computer peripherals networking products, telecommunication products etc.

公司的主营产品:电脑外色、笔记本配件 、 高端数码产品.


Emergency workers rely on radio telecommunication.



I am a telecommunication engineer.



Telecommunication has made great improvements over the last decade.



the increasing complexity of modern telecommunication systems



The Telecommunications Management Network ( TMN ) supports management activities associated with telecommunication networks.

电信管理网 ( TMN ) 支持与电信网络有关的管理行为.
