temporary worker的意思

美 / ˈtempərəri ˈwə:kə / 英 / ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈwɚkɚ /


temporary worker的短语

1、 Temporary Worker Visa Applications 临时工作签证申请

2、 temporary worker visa 签证

3、 be a temporary worker 为别人做短期雇工

4、 Temporary Worker Program 临时工人计划

5、 temporary foreign worker program 临时外国劳工计划,临时外劳计划,劳工计划

6、 casual temporary worker 临时工

7、 Part-time temporary worker 钟点临时工

8、 Especially A Temporary Worker 尤其指临时工

9、 temporary worker from an agency 派遣社员

temporary worker的例句

One that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker.

'临时工'.''不定时服务或出现的人, 尤其指''.'临时工'. ''.


Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.



During the Spring Festival, many people hire temporary worker to do the cleaning.

过年的时候, 许多人都雇请临时工来打扫卫生.
