the Kew Gardens的意思

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指邱植物园 皇家植物园((指邱植物园(the Kew Gardens)) 收藏 反馈

the Kew Gardens的短语

1、 The Inn At Kew Gardens 裘园旅馆 ; 植物园客栈

the Kew Gardens的例句

"The mistakes of prehistory offer us important lessons for our management of fragile, arid areas in the present," said Oliver Whaley, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

“历史上的错误为我们目前对脆弱的干旱地区的管理提供了重要的教训,”英国皇家植物园邱园(Royal Botanic Gardens, kew)的奥利弗·惠利(Oliver Whaley)表示。

It is the first festival of Kew Gardens' Biodiversity Year and features over 7, 000 tropical plants including more than 3, 000 orchids.


The Arkham Botanical Gardens are inspired by the Palm House at Kew Gardens in South London.


Over 250 years old, Kew Gardens spreads over 121 hectares, holding over one in eight of the known plant species in the world.


Thee smallest water lily in the world, which had vanished from its only known hot springs location in Africa, was saved from extinction by experts at Kew Gardens, it was revealed today.

世界上最小的睡莲被克佑区公园拯救,据悉这种花只曾栖息在非洲的温泉里,曾一度濒临灭绝。 。

Geoff Kent: "The perfect way to spend a comfortable autumnal afternoon in Kew Gardens... if you are a duck that is".

Geoff Kent:“在英国皇家植物园度过一个舒适秋日下午最好的方法……如果你是一只鸭子的话就可以了。”