the Land of Promise的意思

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the Land of Promise的网络释义

应许之地 记得讀过一篇洪育成写的文章《应许之地》(The Land of Promise), 裡面描述了他 成长的城市/台中未來「乌托邦 的想像;「今年暑假, 住波士顿的侄儿Vincent 终于如愿以偿的申请到了台中市交响...

the Land of Promise的例句

Promise them to own a mass of land one sqr kilometer. And help them to build a 87 sqr meter apartment each family. But they need to return the else in 20 years for 2580 RMB each month.


Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose history reflects the enduring promise of our land.


It must be realized that a mere land reform in the form of reduction of rent and equalization of ownership does not promise a final solution of agrarian problems in China.


That's what Israel heard: the land of promise would not be like Egypt. There you irrigated the land to produce your daily bread.


Despite God's promise of land and blessing, things don't look so good at the end of Genesis.


Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose history reflects the enduring promise of our land.
