the complex plane的意思

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the complex plane的网络释义

复平面 trigonometric functions 三角函数,除了正余弦、正切余切函数,还要求掌握正割余割 the complex plane 复平面,重点是复数的三角形式与极坐标形式的互相转换 the demoivre's theorem demoivre定理,复数计算法则 ..

the complex plane的短语

1、 integration in the complex plane 复面积分

the complex plane的例句

The Fujian broadcast and TV centre is a compositive building, and the structural plane is complex.


In this article, we derive complex expansion formula of spherical and cylindrical waves by comparing the stacking field of complex ray and the close-form solution in the plane spectral domain.


A kind of new 2 - point scheme is designed, which enriches the theory of constructing fractal sets on the complex plane.


The space frequency distribution on rear focal plane restores to the distribution of complex amplitude on image plane.


Their distribution on the plane is near north-south direction, putting up frequent distributing, intercrossing and complex characteristics, and including seven intercrossing districts.


By using of complex variable function and integral equation method, the antiplane multiple holes and cracks problem of half plane region is considered in this paper.
