the Great Barrier Reef的意思

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the Great Barrier Reef的网络释义

大堡礁 多种多样的风情体验,就像一个完美的度假天堂。喜欢回归自然的你绝对不会错过这里。 大堡礁 大堡礁(The Great Barrier Reef)是一群聚集在澳大利亚大陆东岸的珊瑚礁,它们错落的布满了澳大利亚东海岸狭长的浅海大陆架,与清澈的海水形成了对比。

年夜堡礁 澳年夜利亚年夜陆周围有很多小岛屿以及世界上最年夜的珊瑚礁即年夜堡礁(the Great Barrier Reef),澳年夜利亚最年夜的岛屿是塔斯马尼亚岛。

the Great Barrier Reef的用法讲解

The Great Barrier Reef:Usage Explanation

The Great Barrier Reef is a world-renowned natural wonder located off the coast of Australia. It is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, stretching more than 2,300 kilometers along the Queensland coastline. This important ecosystem is home to many species of fish, corals and other aquatic wildlife, making it a popular destination for tourists, scientists and nature lovers.

The Great Barrier Reef is usually used as a mass noun, meaning it is non-countable and uncounted. This means that it is typically used in the singular form when referring to it, as in “The Great Barrier Reef is one of the world’s greatest natural wonders.” It can also be used with adjectives and adverbs to provide a more descriptive context, such as “the magnificent Great Barrier Reef” or “the receding Great Barrier Reef”.

The Great Barrier Reef can also be used as a proper noun, which is when it is used to refer to a specific place or object by its name. This is often used when referring to the whole ecosystem or a particular area within it, such as “the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park”.

The Great Barrier Reef can be used figuratively to refer to a barrier or obstacle that a person must face. This could be physical or emotional, such as “She faced the Great Barrier Reef that stood between her and her goal.”

Finally, the Great Barrier Reef can be used as an adjective, usually to describe the size and vastness of something, as in “It was a great and barrier reef of problems to tackle.”

In conclusion, the Great Barrier Reef is a beautiful and important ecosystem that has become a symbol of natural beauty. Its name can also be used to refer to a person’s challenges in life and to describe the vastness of something. With careful consideration of context, The Great Barrier Reef can be used in many creative and interesting ways.

the Great Barrier Reef的短语


2、 The Great Barrier Reef Biology 大堡礁珊瑚生物学

3、 Because the great barrier reef 由于大堡礁地势险恶

the Great Barrier Reef的例句

Declining water quality is a major factor in the pollution of the Great Barrier Reef.


Boat trips to the Great Barrier reef allow tourists to admire the largest coral reef in the world.


Now you can take a drive right in to the Great Barrier Reef!


Australia's Coral Sea, near the Great Barrier Reef, is one of the last remaining tropical wilderness areas in the world.


This isn't scuba diving now off the Great Barrier Reef, or something like that.


The Coral Sea covers 780,000 square kilometers and borders the Great Barrier Reef off Australia's east coast.
