the new method的意思

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the new method的网络释义

新方法 ...测量, 测量精度 ,新方法 [gap=382]Keywords: tachometer, triangle measurement, the measurement precision, the new method ...

the new method的短语

1、 according to the new method 按照新方法

2、 legitimating of the new method 新方法的合法性

3、 The New Method Readers 新法英语课本

the new method的例句

If you now open the J2C bean implementation file, you will see the new method shown in Figure 23 there.

如果您打开J2C bean实现文件,您将看到图23中显示的新方法。

While the two on the right lose detail as a result, the new method makes the one on the left much clearer.


The new method is not perfect; even so, it's much better than the old one.


Derive We have derived benefit from the new method of generation of electricity.


Show how IBM tools can help implement the new method.


Note that the message signature is the same as it was outlined in the New Method Dialog.

注意这个消息的签名与New Method对话框中描述的一样。