the settlement of claims的意思

美 / / 英 / /


the settlement of claims的网络释义

索赔的处理 ... Settlement of Cargo Claims 货物理赔 the settlement of claims 货物索赔 ; 索赔的处理 Settlement of Contractual Claims 合同索赔的解决 ...

货物索赔 ... sea train 火车车厢运输船 the settlement of claims 货物索赔 inter-containental 洲际间的 ...

the settlement of claims的短语

1、 monitors the settlement of claims 处理客户投诉

the settlement of claims的例句

Victims family members joined members of Congress in Washington Thursday to mark settlement of the claims, saying closure had been reached.


The states in 1998 accepted a settlement of $246 billion over 25 years (the price of a pack rose by 45 cents shortly afterwards). In return, the states agreed to end all claims against the companies.

1998年,各州接受了烟草公司25年内支付2460亿美元(但不久后每包烟的价格就涨了45美分)的和解协议, 新开热血江湖sf ,同时,相应地也表示不再对烟草公司提出任何索赔要求。

Claims settlement, if any, shall be a complete discharge of Carrier's liabilities to the Shipper.


Such claims and suits for' contribution can have the practical effect of reopening settlement agreements and requiring the settling parties to pay additional portions of the cleanup costs.


Both parties shall keep these samples within the duration of this contract and in case of claims, until moment of settlement.


All parties have agreed that there will be no further comment on the settlement or any of the allegations or claims.
