think over and over again的意思

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think over and over again的网络释义

形容多次反复思考 ... [ to think day and night ] 睡眠思虑,梦境遥想。形容怀念期盼之深 [ think over and over again ] 形容多次反复思考 [ imagine ] 想象 设想 ...

千思万想 千思万想 think over and over again; plan and devise 差得 多 fall short by a large amount .

think over and over again的例句

You're in my dreams over and over again, I'm so sad, because you never really appear before my eyes, I think you are really gone …


However, I want you to really begin to think along these lines — all your code does is shuttle data between two endpoints, over and over again.


When you look at the various applications that you have to complete, you're likely to think that it looks time consuming and very boring to fill in all of those questions over and over again.


If you think your lawyer is trying to kill your deal, remember this: though there may only be a "one percent" chance your deal will go bad, your lawyer sees that "one percent" over and over again.


I think they've nicely demonstrated a correlation between periodic climate events and what we'd recognize as normal turnover in fauna that would happen over and over again, Barnosky said.


When we think of a hypochondriac, this is the person we think of, who goes to the doctor over and over again.
