to bring down the house的意思

美 / / 英 / /


to bring down the house的网络释义

全场喝彩 ... start a hare:话离本题 to bring down the house:全场喝彩 plain sailing:一帆风顺 ...

获得满堂掌声 ... best-seller 畅销书 to bring down the house 获得满堂掌声 girl of the old school 守旧的女性 ...

全场掌声雷动 ... To bring down a plane 使落下 To bring down the house 全场掌声雷动 ; 获得满堂掌声 try to bring me down 试着打败我 ...

大受欢迎 ... 突然大受欢迎 take off 大受欢迎 go over big ; to bring down the house ; ovation ; be well received 大受欢迎的 big ...

to bring down the house的短语

1、 to bring the house down 全场喝彩 ; 博得满场喝彩 ; 满堂彩

to bring down the house的例句

Some Banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.


A plan, on the other hand, lays out the structural details that will bring that house into existence, down to every last window, rain gutter and light socket.


This has led local residents to nickname the building the House Without Windows, although there are two large rooftop openings that bring daylight down to the two secluded courtyards.
