to inhabit的意思

美 / / 英 / /


to inhabit的网络释义

居住于 ... 加荣耀于 glorify 居住于 to inhabit; inhabit 局限于 to be limited to ...

to inhabit的短语

1、 to inhabit a notional world 居住在幻想世界

2、 Ready To Inhabit Contemporary Villa 准备居住的当代别墅

3、 to inhabit that island 在那岛上住人

to inhabit的例句

"I began to leave my body; I began to inhabit the air and silence."


The bold Modernist architecture was too avantgarde, and many workers refused to inhabit the apartments.


These spearheads are the firmest evidence yet found for the first human beings to inhabit America.


Orca whales are known to inhabit the areas where the submarines were picking up the bizarre noises.


A mystery female known as X Woman may add a new chapter to the story of human ancestors leaving Africa to inhabit much of the planet.


They also found a fourth possible new species and other corals that were thought not to inhabit the waters around the Galapagos.
