to pass the time away的意思

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to pass the time away的网络释义

度过这段时光 to pass the time away huh huh 伴我度过这段时光 to pass the time away 度过这段时光 You sprinkled hot foot powder mmmm 你把烫脚粉末 ..

to pass the time away的例句

Even still, time to help us move, days pass away, would be enough to take away we want to keep the fantasy.


Whenever I take my pipe and stuff it and smoked, to pass the time away, my thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe.


Just to pass the time away.


If it actually comes to pass this time, the energy-weapons era is still a decade away — optimistically.


What did you do to pass the time away?


They huddled together, and though Jesse was too far away to hear them, he knew they talked to help the time pass.
