too to的意思

美 / / 英 / /

too to的用法讲解


too to 这组词是一个经常在口语和书面语中出现的短语,它把两个词连接起来形成一个新的短语,该短语的意思是“要做某事,也要做另外一件事”。

一般来说,too to 的正确用法是: too 后跟形容词或副词,to 后跟动词的原形。


It's important to be honest, but it's too risky to tell the truth.

It's too hot to wear such heavy clothes.

It's too late to change my mind.

除了上面提到的一些常见用法外,too to 还可以用在有调侃意味的句子中:

You're too old to dance like that.


It's too hard to studying.

这句话应改为:It's too hard to study.
