
美 / ˈtu:θpɪk / 英 / ˈtuθˌpɪk /

n. 牙签


Toothpick is a small and thin tool used to remove food trapped between teeth. It is an essential tool in our daily personal hygiene.

Toothpicks are usually made of wood, plastic or cardboard. You can buy them from supermarkets, pharmacies, or convenience stores. To use a toothpick, you should do it gently to avoid damaging your gums. Start by standing at one end and slowly pushing the tip of the toothpick between the teeth. Try to avoid going too deep into the gums. Move the toothpick around to remove any food particles that may be stuck in the teeth. After you finish, you should rinse out your mouth with either water or mouthwash.

It is important to remember that toothpicks should not be used as a substitute for brushing and flossing. Toothpicks should only be used when necessary to remove food particles between the teeth. Moreover, you should always be careful when using them. Too much force can cause your gums to bleed, so be sure to use as light pressure as possible.

In conclusion, toothpicks can be a great tool for cleaning your teeth, but you should use them with caution and not as a substitute for brushing and flossing. They are perfectly safe when used the right way and can be a great help in maintaining your dental hygiene.


Do bottom with the black card plank, with the toothpick put like a semicircle.

用黑色卡板做底, 用牙签插好一个半圆.


The awl point can get into between teeth easily without cracking, having the function of toothpick.

韧性锥尖轻松进入牙缝,不折裂, 可代替牙签使用.


He picked his teeth with a toothpick.



Let toothpick played so productive fun, not properly root left blank.

让牙签的出场也富有如此乐趣, 保准根根不漏空.


The most common user of toothpick is Americans.



Excuse yourself and go to the restroom and get it out with a toothpick.

